Any images which you ordered during searching will appear on the order form. It tells you in the top right hand corner how many images you have ordered. Each image appears as a thumbnail on the order form, with its description and image reference number. For each image, please fill in your intended use, then click next page, which takes you to the next ordered image. Continue until you have completed the details for all the images you wish to order. If each image has the same use, to save time you can click ‘copy previous details’. At any stage, you can move backwards or forwards through the ordered images to edit your details or actually remove that image from your order. When you have completed filling in the details for all the images you wish to order, click ‘OK’. Then a new page appears, for you to fill in your personal details. These will be stored from your previous order. The order form can then be printed off, for faxing to your nearest office. By clicking on the ‘print preview’ button, you can check over any details on the form. If you prefer to email the order as a file, click ‘save for email’. This allows you to save the order form as a text file, which can then be attached to an email and sent to the email address of your nearest office. Please see ‘who to contact’ details on the ‘about’ section of the CD for the address.